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* ROBOLOG v1.0 *
TELIX Automated-Timed Script Execution
and Self-Generating Script Writer
Written by Michael Gillum
Last Updated: 03-06-91
ROBOLOG is a TELIX script that automatically runs other scripts at a
predetermined time. If you have: a) Services that you call for
information or mail on a regular basis, but, will either be out of
town or unable to access your computer; b) Long distance services that
could be called during "low-rate" charge periods, then ROBOLOG can
By using script files to access these services, ROBOLOG can be set to
automatically execute those scripts. Up to 10 predetermined times, and
scripts may be configured.
For example:
You are going out of town for a few days but you still want to
be able to collect your mail from a BBS you call regularly -
ROBOLOG will take care of it for you! Just tell it the times
of day you want to call, and give it the names of the scripts
you use for collecting mail, and away it goes.
A service you use is not a local call, however, you don't want
to stay up late hours when rates are lower to make the calls
yourself. ROBOLOG will do it for you!
ROBOLOG has, built into it, an interactive Script Writer. You can dial
a number and while you are on line ROBOLOG "captures" your session.
When you hangup ROBOLOG then redisplays your session prompting you for
the areas that contain "Online Prompts" and responses. A basic script
is then created to get you through those areas.
The script file ROBOLOG creates is not like some of the others you
will find with other "Learn" utilities. ROBOLOG's script uses
"procedural" techniques. Like any "Learn" utility, changes, to some
extent, will have to be made to handle "special" circumstances such as
"polling, or looping" in situations that require decision making
capabilities. An example of this could be:
A BBS you call has mail prompts that require you to enter
responses such as 1,2,3,4 etc; to view your mail. Sometimes
you have 3 messages, sometimes you have 20.
A "Learn" utility, like the one in ROBOLOG, makes all analysis based
on a situation at the time the script was created. Perhaps, tomorrow
the situation will be different. This is where ROBOLOG scripts differ
from others. Because of the "procedural" nature of ROBOLOG scripts,
changes are easier, and overall, keep the script understandable. Many
other "Learn" programs simply create a "straight line" type of script
that, when many changes are made, produce a programmers nightmare of
"spaggheti code."
If all you need is a script generated to get you past the usual
Identification and Password screens, then no changes should have to be
made. However, because ROBOLOG is primarily for Automated-Unattended
Mail and Message collection, the scripts need to do more than simply
"get you online." The script created by ROBOLOG takes you most of the
way there. ROBOLOG's script is complete as is, and works without
error, but "decision making" processes will need to be included, by
you, so the script can be totally effective.